Friday, August 6, 2010

How to fix IEEE bibliography Style in Mendeley

Mendeley is an awesome reference management software. I have been using it extensively to maintain references. It has a minor problem in bibliography style for IEEE format. It becomes annoying as soon as you export citations to word. I have tried to fix it and was successful to some extent. The default IEEE format available in mendeley is the following bibliography style.

[1] K. Superman, G. Batman, I. Green Lantern, and S. Spiderman, " Saving the world from evil guys," Super Galactic Journal, vol. 46, 2010, p. 620.

IEEE Style manual suggests a different bibliography format.

Excerpt from 2009 Style Manual of IEEE on bibliography format :
Articles listed shall include the following information in the order shown:
a) Last name of author or authors and first name or initials, or name of organization
b) Title of article in quotation marks
c) Title of periodical in full and set in italics
d) Volume, number, and, if available, part
e) First and last pages of article
f) Date of issue.
This requires the bibliography to be in the following format.
[1] K. Superman, G. Batman, I. Green Lantern, and S. Spiderman, " Saving the world from evil guys," Super Galactic Journal, vol. 46, pp. 620, Apr. 2000.

If you are dependent on mendeley, you would want a fix for this bibliography style. I have a fix which displays bibliography in the correct format except for the month. This is better than previous version available in mendeley.

How to fix IEEE format.

Locate the "ieee.csl" file in the mendeley installation folder. It should be present in C:\Program Files\Mendeley Desktop\citationStyles\default, if you are using windows.

Line 124 to 128 will contain the following.

<date variable="issued" >
          <date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=". "/>
          <date-part name="year"/>
        <text macro="page"/>

Replace the above lines with the following

 <text variable="page" prefix="pp. "/>
        <date variable="issued" >
          <date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=". "/>
          <date-part name="year"/>
Few steps before wrapping up.
1. Change the title of the .csl file.
-The title can be found in the 5th line
2. Finally, change the update tag in line 23.
Mendeley does not recognize this as a new style, if you do not update this tag.
Save and Exit.
The new style should appear in the citation style in mendeley as IEEE_Fixed.
The citation will look like this
[1] K. Superman, G. Batman, I. Green Lantern, and S. Spiderman, " Saving the world from evil guys," Super Galactic Journal, vol. 46, pp. 620, 2000.

If you find a fix for displaying month correctly in the IEEE format, please let me know.


Fernando GarcĂ­a Redondo said...

Maybe I am a bit late, but I found this:

Unknown said...

Your article I cannot understand. Most of the time student ask a different kind of channel how to cite the paper. I suggested it is always better to use your own words if any problem so student goes for on web free tool like ieee citation generator. I consider this it’s helpful for student

Isabel said...

Thank you for the interesting article. In case you're composing an undergraduate paper or dissertation, you may have to start writing the bibliography ieee that has its motivations and goals. This records or studies the literature already in your picked ponder area and incorporates the information. It also creates a summary of those past investigations. In addition, the lit review critically analyzes the data gathered through recognizing any gaps in the directly available learning, while also demonstrating the hypotheses' or perspectives limitations. The lit review also makes sense of or formulates the areas required for additional studies and reviews controversial areas.